What would you do?


Yeah so…

One more test to make up. Professors are awfully trusting when giving them ishts btw. So she leads me into an abandoned room, hands me the test and a bluebook, sits me in front of a computer with internet access, says, “let me know if you have any questions,” then leaves, locking the door in a way that wouldn’t let anyone in, but would let me out.

Given that situation what would you do? I said to myself:

“Self, now you know that there is no way I could cheat on this without being caught. There HAS to be a camera in here or something…it would be too easy”

Then I thought:

“But you know Self, this test is hard and there’s a lot on here that you don’t know given that you weren’t in class those days and couldn’t get a hold of your contact people. She had to put you in here for a reason…”

I’ll let you decide what I did. Keep in mind that I am the most paranoid person in the universe.

In other news…

We watched Glory in African American history today. The professor also brought Krispy Kremes to suade us to give her a good evaluation. As far as I’m concerned, she gets an A. Would have been A+ if they were hot.

I kind of like Dead week as an Science, Technology, & Culture major. Since we don’t really have tests like that, classes are usually canceled and we have paper conferences instead. Today I usually have class from 1:30 to 6, but two classes were canceled…and then tomorrow I don’t have class at all.

To the engineers I say, “sucks to be you! AND I’LL STILL MAKE MORE THAN YOU!”


So that’s all that’s going on right now. Just pledging Georgia Tech. Hopefully I will cross the burning sands into academic victory sometime soon.

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