What it do?



Hope you had a good holiday!

Week has been a whirlwind…lots of traveling, family time, watching Nephew Neo drool.

Sis and fam decided to join us for Christmas after all. My house was used as staging while everyone was traveling through Hartsfield between the funeral and general travel plans. Once everyone was in town, I led the cars down to my parents’ house.

Kind of fun to caravan, though I was slightly annoyed at all the requests to stop. It’s only 3 hours!

(Flashbacks to long car rides with the fam…we didn’t stop for NOTHIN!)

Babies and kids and things though.

Though we mostly stopped for the pre-teen because Neo was cool with naps…

Neo cutie pied and slobbered everywhere…was loved on…is mastering his crawling technique.

Niece did pester considerably…she wanted to use my Xbox a lot and have me play Disney Infinity with her. The game is fun as long as you’re playing the campaign…but she mostly wanted to muck around in the toybox area. (The campaign is structured and requires skill……)


My gifts to her didn’t go over well either…got her a microscope and this really cool natural hair doll

A photo posted by KaNisa (@kanisaslyfe) on

(Think Kenya Doll from yesteryear if you remember it…same thing but for natural hair!). I wanted to keep both for me BECAUSE THEY’RE AWESOME AND TO TRY OUT HAIR STYLES ON THE DOLL BEFORE I TRY THEM OUT ON ME! But I tried to be a good step-aunt…


Back at my house now before everyone leaves tomorrow.

Sis/Bro-in law and step-niece are at the aquarium.

Other sister is napping with Neo…

And I am setting up my awesome new toy!

I have the new version so it doesn’t work with Alexa yet, but it will soon! In the meantime I’m using IFTTT recipes with mine.

I only have 2 white bulbs so far (Christmas present)…going to add to the collection as the year goes on. The color bulbs are 60 bucks a pop…

For now I’ll have one in my bedroom and one in my spa shower I think. Need like 30 or so to convert the whole house.

Obviously for real toys…1k on lightbulbs?!

Whatev, I don’t spend my money on anything else anyway…



And my sister set me up with an Extra Fluffie Berkshire Fluffy Robe!


And she got me this book too!



Went ahead and pre-ordered the gentlemen version also


Made out pretty well this Christmas…


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