Well this is it!

I’m going on my very first trip by myself today!

(Of course it’s only home which is about three hours away, but it’s a pretty big step as my parents are still super over protective)

I’m kind of excited! The Tracker will make it a rough ride, but I REALLY love to drive…I’ll just imagine I’m riding…

[insert dream/harp music]

…in my Nissan Z

I like this car purely for aesthetic reasons. The futuristic look is really appealing to me. This car will be used for rolling with my homies on the weekend.

… in my ‘vette

I think this car is so masculine! It’s like a penis on wheels! I mean seriously, tilt your head to the left and look at that picture. Doesn’t it kind of resemble [insert various penile details I actually have no ideal about. I mean really, I’m an ANGEL! I PROMISE! Peni are evil scary creatures that are bad! Just bad! I’ve never even seen one before! Ever! In life!!! *runs away] I mean it’s like secks © Brutha Code on wheels!

… in my Ultimate Driving Machine (BMW M6 Convertible)

I fell in love with my BMW with the help of Clive Owen and the BMW Films series. These cars…powerful machines that were built for the highway. I hate seeing BMW’s being driven by people who get them just because they’re expensive. If you want to get a car for THAT reason, just get a Mercedes.

Ooooooo…yeah I said it!

And don’t EVEN get me started on people who drive cars without manual transmissions. They don’t have the RIGHT! Their driving privileges should be REVOKED!

Automatics are for sissies…

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  • February 11, 2007 at 9:44 pm

    I like the Nissan Z, I use to have an ole skool ’84…that baby hugged curves like no other *sniffle RIP* I recently rode in one of the new AUDI convertibles…twas nice but it lacked a comfort factor. Automatics…I drive one, but I’m manual transmission undercover. I had a friend of mine get a manual in high school and no matter how much I begged she never taught me *sniffle* I WILL learn one day. I promised that my first real car will be manual. Who wants a BMW or sports car that auto…so not right.

  • February 11, 2007 at 9:45 pm

    I guess I blogged in your comment section *going to hide*


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