

What happened was…

They…and then….and of course I couldn’t…because I have no….


Well I maintain that in situation like this, transferal of emotions has different ways of being transferred.

I feel as free as a bird now.

I don’t care, shoot. I DON’T CARE! SAY SOMETHIN’!

Mmm hmm…

real thoughts still marinating….

In other news…

I couldn’t ask for a more eventful weekend. Yesterday seems like 10 million years ago. It really does make a difference if you get up with the sun on weekends, you have the potential to get so much done…

Honestly, I can’t remember much of Saturday I think there was a step practice…oh yeah.

Training for my mentoring job…

We had a meeting with one of the principals at Carver High School. Just FYI, a few years ago, Caver was ranked the worst school in the entire country. Instead of shutting it down, they revamped it, turning it into a revolutionary campus. There are separate high schools for health sciences, arts, technology, college prep, and entrepreneurship. It’s really great idea for a school, but they couldn’t have picked a worse place to test it out.

Thisschool is in the middle of the inner city. According to the principal, 70% will be first time high school graduates, 85% live in poverty, and 93% live in single parent homes. The question is, how do you teach kids and expect them to behave and do well when they have more important things like if they’re even going to EAT that day on their minds? I mean, a lot of these kids are actually very intelligent, but they’ve never been challenged to do better. They’re just pushed through the system, and many don’t even go on to graduate. The big wigs expect the school to turn around and pump out A+ graduates, when that’s really impossible.
I’m glad for the opportunity to work with such a group as this is exactly what I was saying needs to be done, but I wonder how effective I’ll be…

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