Wednesday’s Result


Horoscope 3.5 Me 2

Yeah I guess things aren’t as accurate as I thought with the Horoscope thing. Today started ok. Had practice this morning, went to see my mentee, went to class. After that I was so tired I could barely keep my eyes open so I took a nap…which ended up being about 4 or 5 hours long. Following that was training, then an info session for the interviewees for Microsoft. It was a bit strange. Out of 40 people, 2 were black, 4 were white, and the rest were Asian, mostly Indian. Not sure if that is as diverse as the company claims to be, but we’ll see.

Actually, I’m really dreading tomorrow (or essentially today as it is past midnight). Class starts at 9:30 after which I have a test I’m not quite sure I’m completely ready for (on a study break now), that class is done at 1:30. Have to book it all the way to Lennox to get some dang jewelry. Interview at 3:30, run over and waste time watch people do their hair for 4 hours b/c it’s required that we all have to be together before the step show, exhibition is at 7…and we go LAST.

All after a night of staying up studying until 3 or 4 because people WASTED TIME at practice and made it 3 hours long.

That is one of my biggest pet peeves, wasting time. That and immature people who lack tact, all of which I have had more than enough of in the last few hours…shoot actually during the last FEW WEEKS!

I swear, this weekend during fall break, I’m telling people: don’t call me, don’t text me, don’t email me I won’t hear ANY of it until WEDNESDAY.

Back to the horoscopes though. It seems only the numerology one was somewhat right.

Don’t even get me started on that “sentimental life” bull it mentions, I might have been looking there, but nothing was looking back!

Sun Sign Taurus

Acknowledgement for work well done could come your way, KaNisa, as those around you suddenly seem to see you in a new light. In some cases, a touch of fame could result. This could pertain to either your career or your personal life, or both, but either way, it boosts both your enthusiasm and your self-esteem, which should enable you to continue pushing ahead. Enjoy your fifteen minutes of fame – and then aim for an hour!

Life Path Number 4

Today, the vibrations are speaking about you in only the most flattering and encouraging terms, KaNisa! You will be taking advantage of this to put some pressure on people you collaborate with so that you can get the best out of them. There will be some improvements and movement, and contacts will have to be made and actions taken. This whirlwind of responsibilities and initiatives will end up making you lose your head and lead you to looking for refuge in your sentimental life where life is happier and filled with tender dreams…

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