We Are Family


First I would like to apologize for yesterday’s entry. I might have gone over the top a little though I cracked myself up all day with that one…especially with that aside, LMAO I was just sayin though…it be’s that way sometimes.

I was in the BSO (Black Student Organizations) office the other day and a stranger came up to me talking about how I stay busy writing facebook notes.

Firstly, I don’t write facebook notes. I write in my blog and occasionally import entries into facebook.

Secondly, writing in a blog is rarely just writing in a blog. In fact, it’s something MUCH bigger than that.

Let me explain…

I’ve been blogging for almost 4 years. During this time, I’ve found other people’s online journals and have networked with/gotten to know countless numbers through their writing, emails, and IM’s.

A few notables:

Beloved is like my big/little sister. (Little sister because she’s a Delta, big sister because she’s full of advice.) We exchanged some serious emails when I was going through some things…all because we go to know each other through each others blogs.

She once told me: “ in light of your crossing I’ll give you the advice that my big sisters gave to me. They told me to “wear” Delta (or in your case AKA) as an accessory and not your entire ensemble. Your affiliation should compliment the person that you are…not create your entire persona. But from reading your entry, I think that you already know that. Again, congrats! ;-)”

Brutha Code has employed me for some of his blog designs. I’ve read his blog since I don’t know when…he’s like a celebrity in the blog world! I was so honored when he asked me to design for him. (And I think he found a secret section of my blog a while back and now knows entirely too much about me…lol…)

I’m also a frequent reader of Soror X. Though we haven’t talked much other than very sparse comments, she’s also one of my big sisters. I wish I could be so completely uncensored like her.

X on members of Iota Phi Theta: Two approached me trying to holla when I was in undergrad and I told one I wasn’t interested in him. He got furious and said, “That’s why I hate AKAs!!! Ya’ll just think ya’ll are all that.” WELLLLL see… he should not have brought up my (our) organization because then I turned to him in front of everyone and said, “I know you’re not talking about MY organization when you have your founder’s email address in your back pocket. Shut up and go send him a text message or something.” Yeah… that was actually hilarious in person…

Iotas fascinate me… like unicorns and leprachauns… I just want to ask one… “why Iota? Out of EEEEEEEEEVERYTHING you could have chosen… Iota??? and why those colors? Yellow and brown?” Blecch. And I know they have some great names for the colors like King’s Gold and Regal Sepia or something equally as ridiculous, but it’s just p*ss yellow and doo-doo brown if you ask me. *sigh* just terrible. LOL

Leon. You can tell if I read his blog before writing in mine because you’ll get a post like yesterday’s. He is hilarious…guaranteed to have you rollin’ almost every day.

Serenity is my soul sister. We always relate to each other through the blogs. THOUGH I THINK SHE SHOULD WRITE MORE OFTEN…

I could go on listing blogs and the writers who have impacted me in some way, but it would be endless. I think even though everyone writes for their own purposes, bloggers and commenters alike are still part of a virtual community of Black bloggers. Everyone can be connected within 5 degrees of separation (shoot probably less than that!), all have annoyed/offended when people didn’t update, and ERE’ body knows when people try to perpetuate an old entry as a new one because we’ve all been reading about each other for so long. There are even allusions/slang that is known within the community like HOB details (c) Brown Suga or the use of blades in certain situations…

To tell you the truth, though I may not be directly involved with most of the people I read, I consider them to be my extended family.

So to all of you who think I just “write facebook notes…” how dare you trivialize something that is so near and dear to so many people! You have absolutely no idea. . .

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  • January 31, 2007 at 11:18 am

    *tear* I got a mention! :-) I do need to post more. I’ll come back to my page and go “dang, that’s all I did this month? *shakin head* But my fallback excuse is School! Although I’m not even 1/5 as busy as you. Anywho, *raising glass* here’s to posting more!

  • […] From the Blog Archive : We Are Family […]

  • November 5, 2010 at 2:29 pm

    *letting #ONEThugTear fall silently down my cheek*

    ~The Blogger Formerly Known as Beloved~

    *full blown sobs*


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