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I can’t even think of anything to say on this thing anymore!

Life has been pretty good, so I don’t have much to complain about.

And then there’s something about writing 4 page papers daily as well as a thesis that takes the joy out of writing for no reason.



I may have numerous observations to make over the next couple of weeks as I will be a counselor in a freshman bridge program. I tell ya, the young’ins get worse and worse every year!

It should be an experience…

In other news…


road trip…check

Me and the “GROWN ASS MAN” took a trip last weekend as it was our last free weekend before the kids come. (He’s also a counselor). Since I needed to interview a few older Divine Niner’s, our first stop on the trip was to MEET HIS FAMILY.

I was like LAWD have mercy!

I was having a bad hair day!
I needed a RELAXER!
PLUS…meeting a dude’s mother?!

Shoot, if I had to meet my son’s girlfriend I’d be all, “Ho! You ain’t good enough for my son!”

Luckily though, everyone was very nice. His Mom thinks I’m “sweet” and that I look like a “doll,” and his Dad was very helpful when I interviewed him about his Greek experience (he’s also an Alpha).

We spent the night there before heading to our vacation destination, Savannah.

I would like to take this time to endorse a company: Gelatoohhhh!!! (That’s the name of it…I wasn’t trying to embellish).

Located in the City Market area of Historic Downtown Savannah, Gelatoohhhhh!!! is an Italian ice cream parlor. I was just looking for a great glass of lemonade myself, but the GROWN ASS MAN ordered a gelato lemonade for me instead (it was ice cream blended with lemonade).

Now that sounds quite nasty, but I promise, I got cantolope and lemonade and it was SOOO GOOOD! No lie! I was shocked! Next time though, I’m getting peach.

After that we went on an African American History tour. I’d gone on it before with the fam a few years back, but I thought the GAM would enjoy it as he is quite afro-centric and millitant.

Next we ate at Applebees, and contiuned on to Tybee Island for the Dolphin Sunset tour. I’ve been on a couple of dolphin sightseeing tours, but I’ve never seen so many! There were hordes! And some of them were having relations!!!

It was quite nasty.

Overall thoguh , it was a good trip. Lots of bonding and irresponosibility before we have to be great role models 24/7.

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J-U-S-T F-O-R M-E!

1 Comment

  • June 20, 2007 at 12:13 pm

    I love savannah, although I’m biased cause my mom’s people are there…did ya’ll get a chance to go to the Ralph Mark Gilbert Civil Rights Museum on MLK? I think it’s still open… I haven’t been on the Dolphin tour though…hmmm think I’ll do that in August. Alrighty, good luck with the youngins *singing the children are our future*


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