

Hooray for colored Greeks!

It’s been a pretty interesting day.

I got up at 5 to get some work done before community service this morning. Every year Tech goes out in the community to work on various service projects. Most of the time it’s doing something miniscule on an already well manicured lawn, but at least they try…

Afterwards, I knew about a cookout that Lambda Upsilon Lambda (a Latino fraternity)was having, but I wasn’t planning on going, especially not for the whole time as 5 AM is extremely early for anyone. However, I didn’t feel too tired so I went to check it out.

I am SO glad I did.

Wow. Not only did their local brothers come out, they brought people from across the country! New York, California, Texas, EVERYWHERE! I can’t even get Sorors to come out from across the city! (lol) And it wasn’t just LUL, there where representatives from at least 3 or 4 other Latino Greek organizations, as well as Indian Greek organizations. (I even heard that the Indian frat were having SET in a public place that blew MY mind…)

It was so cool, everyone had similar customs, line jackets, strolling, and the common bond amongst us all which shall remain nameless…

The camaraderie was more than I’ve ever experienced at ANY NPHC gathering.

I wasn’t planning on going to the party tonight, but I have been convinced otherwise. I had so much fun just at cook out I’m sure the party will be crazy…

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