

I don’t care if she’s fat, ugly, one leg in a kickstand…


Nothing too much happening today. It was my last day of work for the week which is both unfortunate and fortunate…you can’t get paid while you’re not working, but it’s so excellent to sleep in too…

What’s on my mind today let me see…

Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly is TO THE BONE!

A lady came in to the store today with a little critter from the pet store. She wasn’t the most aesthetically pleasing person, but she was really nice, I could tell she was a beautiful person on the inside.

My co-worker however, had a different opinion. As soon as she was out of earshot he began ripping on the poor woman saying:

“Man I could play connect the dots on her face! Hell when I’m through, she might even be pretty!”

“Forget getting hit with the ugly stick, that bitch was smacked with the whole tree!”

“She looks like she could eat an apple through a fence”

(I didn’t quite get that one, I think it might have been a reference to the gap she had though).

“Did they buy the guinea pig or her in the pet store?!”

He just went on and on and it got worse from there. I blocked the rest out of my head for trauma purposes.

I told him, “you know, beauty is only skin deep man.”

“That’s bull,” he said, “a supermodel could be fine as hell and be a bitch, but she’s still fine as hell. An ugly person will always be ugly, even if she makes Mother Theresa look like a sinner.”

I suppose he had a point, but man, so harsh.

Made me think though.

Which would you rather have:
A. A gorgeous person with a terrible personality
B. An okay person with no personality
C. An ugly person with a heart of gold
D. All of the above

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