Tuesday’s Result

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Horoscope 3 Me 1

I got a win today against the horoscope. The sun sign scope was off. I wasn’t really trying to get facts for any projects as of late. Today was mostly about class, reading, and serving on a panel about NPHC. I have to say, as a freshman, I would have never imagined sitting in front of theatre of people as an “expert” on a subject. It was especially incredible that I wasn’t even nervous AT ALL. I’m really proud of myself…I used to be the shyest person in the world…The atmosphere will be relaxed in your affective life and you will multiply the interesting contacts that you make.

Afterwards, people came up to me and said I did a good job expressing myself (err?). Even people I don’t know or don’t get along with said so!

Also, there was a shall we say observation that was noted from my vantage point on the panel. I didn’t even have any emotions about it though. I did, however, make a mental note that I should definitely find SINGLE people to admire in an amorous way.

Anyway, after that was step practice. The Prophytes and our grad advisor came to give last minute improvements and see the final project and they were really impressed. The Prophytes wished they were stepping with us and for once they were extremely supportive instead of subjecting us to motherly nagging.

I’m getting excited/nervous. It’s my first time stepping in public (probate not withstanding). Probate shows are different in that then you were just in a zone and not caring about anyone around. I don’t even remember anything about my probate. Supposedly it was cold (around 40 degrees), I didn’t feel it. Supposedly a close friend was standing in front me, I didn’t see them. Supposedly people were shouting out Tre love comments, I didn’t hear them.

Since this is just an exhibition though, I feel like I’ll be extra aware of a whole stand of people in my face, but who knows maybe it’ll be like the panel today and I won’t be fazed…

Countdown though I can’t wait till I get to sleep past 5 AM!


Wow I don’t ever say “ya’ll” this daily practice thing with these girls needs to be OVAH!

Sun Sign: Taurus

Some facts that you may need for certain projects might prove elusive today, KaNisa. No matter what book, website, or periodical you consult, you’ll probably come across some interesting stuff, but not exactly what you’re looking for. If the task is not urgent, it might be a good idea to put it off for a day or two. Otherwise you’ll spend too much time looking for what seems impossible to find.

Life Path Number 4

Here is a day that is going to be favorable, KaNisa! The vibrations are going to allow you to start pushing ahead and discover new horizons. So, get involved with your family and friends and don’t hesitate to communicate with them and open yourself up to new ideas. The atmosphere will be relaxed in your affective life and you will multiply the interesting contacts that you make. In your professional life, you will have a slight decrease in activity but nothing of any consequence. Keep the sense of curiosity and fresh outlook you have: your family and friends so admire this in you!

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1 Comment

  • October 11, 2006 at 7:25 pm

    LOL at “It’s a serious matter!”


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