…Tomorrow…it’s only a day awaaaay…


As I sit hear eating my fruit loops (the breakfast of champions) I’m realizing that in just one day, I will be with the man in my life. I’m so excited…it’s been a long time coming so don’t be surprised if you don’t see any new entries for the next day or five…gotta make up for lost time and some future lost time too ; )

In other news…

Not too much is going on.

The Yellow Jackets didn’t make it to the NCAA tournament this year which is unfortunate. They did start a Georgia Tech Alumni club at work though which is pretty cool. They’re having a meet and greet next week.

It’s kind of neat to have fellow alum around…I get a warm fuzzy feeling every time I see a GT tag or Buzz sticker in the parking lot. We were all ana1y r8ped by the same classes! It’s like seeing family!

Yeah so…

Clearly not too much going on in the world of KaNisa…

Have a great weekend! (LOL)…

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Boon.docks Bann.ed Epi.sode
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Lil Bow Wow Moment


  • March 20, 2008 at 12:08 pm

    Hi KaNisa! I’ve been reading your blog for a while now, and I must say I really enjoy it! Mine is a work in progress, but I’ll be sure to stop by and let you know when it’s ready. I really like this theme too! I’m Nigerian, and I can’t tell you how proud I am to be one, regardless of how povert stricken and thoroughly exploited my country (and continent) is.

    Oh.. and have for with G.A.M. (that’s him, right?)! Haha, do your thing girl! Can’t even hate! :)

  • March 20, 2008 at 12:12 pm

    Oops! My bad!
    — Have “fun” with G.A.M.

  • March 20, 2008 at 12:19 pm

    Hey! Thanks!

    I recently found out my people are Nigerian too!

    With DNA testing, they say I have similar DNA to the Yoruba and Hausa people.


    And I sure will have fun! T-miuns one hour!


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