Today’s the big day!


Today’s the big day!

Super Tuesday is here!

Maybe it’ll be a tie or something and the votes of us leftover states will actually mean something…

I’m still on the fence about who to vote for. To me, these candidates want the same things but have different ways of doing it. Hil (lol) is about going through the traditional channels for change while the Obama is more radical with it. Part of me likes the Obama radical (as I have such tendencies myself) but though I don’t quite demonstrate it here, I think more like Hil (clearcut A, B, C, because, this is exactly what I’m doing, etc. as I am an INTJ/Taurus).

One week to go.

In other news…

My special edition of School Daze came in today. It has a cast commentary, director’s commentary (same as the first one) three featurettes, music videos, and the soundtrack. I’m excited to watch it…might flip back and forth between this and election results.

In still other news…

I think I might stick with this layout for a while. You might see some new things around here like my YouTube picks and ThrillerCast.

The YouTube videos are a feed of my 10 most recent favorites as I’m adding a couple a week. You can skip, pause, or rewind if you mouseover it.

ThrillerCast is a podcast for Mr. Jackson. It talks about the upcoming release of the 25th anniversary of Thriller and related news and commentary.




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Last year Halloween fell on a weekend…
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Made up my mind


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