Today was booty.

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Today was a stupid STUPID day full of wasted time.

First though gotta share some comic inspired things I’ve said today, some of which could have landed me on the pavement riddled with bruises and everything, but someone up there loves me…

While walking to the Bank of America building in downtown ATL…

“Whattup shawty?”
*pointed look…
“Whatup toothless?”
“I didn’t mean to offend you ma, I like small women.”
“Well I like teeth…”

Upon seeing a short skirted lady walking back from the Bank of America Building…

“Oh my goodness… that her birth canal?!”

Upon being honked at by two motorcycle riders, also on the way back from the Bank of America building…

“Don’t you eva eva eva, neva….see that’s why you ran into that car”

Okay so I honestly didn’t say mostof that out loud…but I was thinking it, lol. In reality, I only gave the “shawty” commenter a pointed look and a raised eyebrow in which he took to mean that I was offended and continued with “i didn’t mean to offend…”

The lady with the short skirt just glared at me…

And with the bikers I was actually on the phone and made the “eva eva neva…” comment to my mother as I was speaking to her at the time…

Anyway, as for today being a waste of time…

GT Career fair is today and tomorrow. For some reason I thought it was later this week so I hadn’t really prepared or anything. I dug through some suitcases and got dressed using advice from the roommates and after printing a few copies of my resume, I went on a quest for a summer internship.

First up Accenture. He took a look at my nametag (which said I was a Sophomore) and said they were only hiring Juniors who were on track to graduate May 07. I politely (no seriously I was polite!) told him I was a third year and that I was three credits shy of Junior status. He was like oh okay and took my resume. They were only hiring full time this fall but they’d be back in the spring to hire summer interns.

That was cool with me, my grades will be better after this semester so…

Next I visited Bain and Company. They definitely weren’t helpful. I could see why not many people were at that table as they were just taking resumes and sending people on their way. Even the Accenture people talked for a while even though they weren’t hiring interns right now. I was like “f that”…even though the students are there to get jobs, recruiters are supposed to make the students feel like they’re a good company to work for, right? All I saw was they are impersonal and just…rude.

So overall, the career fair was a waste of time because all I got out of it was a bunch of brochures.

The other big waste of time today was getting paperwork done for my job. For some reason they need you to sign your life away and turn in all this identity theft prone information into human resources. I mean, a birth certificate? My bank account number? My social security card? Really? No only that, but they send you all around campus picking up forms and everything…LOL watch me get paid like 4 bucks…

After being shuffled around a few offices, I went back to my job’s and asked for a from I was already supposed to have according to Human Resources, she said that my program didn’t have them yet and that we wouldn’t have to turn in our paperwork for a while.


I’m glad I just spent 4 hours going to the bank, and fifty million other places for nothing….


I refuse to leave my room for the rest of the day.

P.S. I REAAALLY like AOL Explorer! I think it’s the only thing AOL does right…

Other new IT related news
Windows Vista (the next best thing after windows xp)
AOL Explorer

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1 Comment

  • September 13, 2005 at 12:18 am

    OMG…LMAO your internal comments had me rolling! I would love to be there the day you actually say one outloud.


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