Today in “her”story…


Picture it.

Grand Blanc, Michigan.

April 1, 1986.

I was sitting in the TV room watching Iggy, Jacob, Gloria, and nem on Under the Umbrella Tree.

Since it was a re-run, I thought it would be a good time to try out this thing called walking.

Being acutely aware that if I were caught doing such a thing I would be required to walk on a regular basis, I crawled to the kitchen doorway to see if my mother was busy (she was on the phone).

When I was sure she was engrossed in conversation, I turned to the TV, stood up on my wobbly 11th month old legs… and hobbled my way toward Iggy and nem.

I made it a few steps without losing my balance…I never actually fell ALL the way…had too much pride. I remember I was DETERMINED to make it the whole way.

I wobbled a few more steps….

Not noticing my mother had stopped talking in the kitchen…

I was almost there…just a few inches from my destination and all the sudden I heard,


And promptly fell and hit my head on the TV (LOL).

It’s a special day. April Fools day. The 22th of anniversary me talking one small step for Iggy, and one giant leap for KaNisa-kind!

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  • April 2, 2008 at 7:05 pm

    Ummm how do you remember this? great memory. My earliest mobile memory was falling down the steps and the front door breaking my fall. *sigh* I still have a wee bit of an issue with steps. lol

  • April 3, 2008 at 12:25 pm

    I don’t know, LOL…

    I have a lot of random memories of when I was little…


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