Today in Desidera Valley…


I’ve returned to simming…very sad I know.

I live vicariously through computer games.

Anyway, here’s the back story…

Donell and Tavares met in college. After graduation Tavares started a career in Education and Donell started a home business.

They had 4 kids, Akhu, Jana (pronounced dee-yana), Akina, and Kimya.

Akhu graduated from med school and is now a doctor.

Jana is about to start college and wants to study dance.

Akina and Kimya are still in elementary school.

Tavares and Donell at their wedding (before Donell went natural LOL) :

Tavares and Baby Akhu taking a nap:

Father and son building a snowman:

Here’s the gang when Akhu was still in high school and Donell was pregnant with Jana:

Tavares restoring an old car:

Donell and Baby Jana:

Jana learning how to walk:

Daddy’s little girl:

Jana’s a teen now (looks just like her mama) and the twins are born!

How quickly they grow! The whole fam on an island vacation. That’s right! The kids talk about algebra in their spare time…:

They take martial arts classes together:

Jana sneaks out with her friends and gets caught!

The family’s vacation home:

Proud parents, 48 years young! (They age very well).

*sigh…I need a life.

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