To the highest level…

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Once again, lint in the pocket of mature discussion.

Why is it, that when you don’t agree with someone about something, they will ALWAYS try to discredit you somehow.

The trend I’m seeing the most? Well you’re (insert age here) and I’m (insert age here). And you know better than me?


You asked my opinion! You got it! You can’t change the way I think just as I can’t change the way you think. Everyone has their opinions. Nobody is right! You trying to point out your “experience” with something is not proving anything.

I don’t even want to say what this argument is about because it is a touchy one. I don’t want to get into arguments or a continuation of this “I’m right you’re wrong, you don’t know what you’re talking about” conversation, but I will just say this…

This whole we conform to the white man’s ideas is BULLSHIT!

Yes I pulled out a curse word, “BULLSHIT “because to me, that’s what it is.

The whole argument is like a dog barking behind a fence at something passing by.

You can talk all you want. It’s not going to change just accept it or at least try to do something about it. The white man doesn’t keep you from going to school, you do. The white man doesn’t keep you from getting a job. You do. The white man doesn’t keep you from being successful. You do.

I mean may be a little jaded because I’ve seen black people from all types of backgrounds, from the poorest to the richest, and they’ve been able to become successful in some way or another. Yes I’ve seen some people fail, but is was usually because they wanted something for nothing. You have to work to get what you want. It isn’t given to you.

Anyway let me go. Keep in mind I’m not trying to start anything. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and those are just some of mine. You can state yours, but don’t do it by tearing down my ideas.

Carry on.

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1 Comment

  • September 1, 2005 at 11:02 am

    Umm…I just had a heart attack….OMG you said bulls**** wow you must have been really peeved


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