Times they are a changin’

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I saw a squirrel faint today.

I kid you not.

I was walking to work and noticed a squirrel launching out of a trashcan as they do. It ran a few paces toward a tree and then stopped. I thought it was surprised just because I was looking at the dude and he saw me…but a few seconds later, he just keeled over.

I edged closer for a better look and saw that he was still breathing. Poor little guy was about to break a lung though since he was breathing so fast…

Take note. It’s that hot out there people. Prepare yourselves.

In other news…

The Freshman Bridge Program has begun. The program is a kind of academic preseason where underrepresented (black, Hispanic, native American, and a few caucasian persuasion) students can get a head start. They take classes taught by Tech professors, attend workshops on how to be successful here, and develop social groups so that they can hit the ground running once the grades start counting in the fall. If they earn a 3.0, they get their program fees refunded at the end, but for the last 3 years less than 5 students actually did so.

(For the record, I didn’t get a 3.0 when I did the program as a freshman either, BUT, I did get an award for having the highest grade in English…AND that fall, when grades actually counted, I had a 3.8!)

I’m excited to see how well these kids will do. The incoming class as a whole has been heralded as one of the smartest classes ever to enter Tech. The average sat score was equivalent to about 1400 (on the old scale), 99% took AP Calculus, and about 30% were valedictorians.


These people are getting smarter and smarter every year!

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1 Comment

  • June 28, 2007 at 1:00 pm

    A Squirrel Fainted *blank stare* WOW! And I thought it was hot in arkansas!


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