Thursday/Friday Observations


Thought I would take a break from reading as it’s starting to look like a foreign language…

The Bellsouth building has pink and green lights on it.

PINK & GREEN building

I suppose they were going for red and green, but it didn’t quite work out.

They locked the “private study rooms” on the sixth floor of the library. I guess with the stress of finals, the sexing in those rooms were getting out of hand…*bum dum ching!

I need a new creative outlet. Frequent arguments/discussions on the trends of society have made my mind extra busy. I usually spend non-academic time doing something that doesn’t require using my brain, but lately I haven’t been afforded such opportunities.

Reading is difficult with a tired mind. I keep forgetting how to process what I’m reading. Am I looking for specifics or just trying to get the main idea? These teachers need to all want the same things, dang it.

Been having disturbing dreams lately aside from that “hail nah” one I had yesterday. They involve male figures of parental persuasions having parties to which they invite younger (under 21) girls to for sexual purposes…because they’re entitled penis holders.

No more family & Sexuality classes for me!

Just went to go get a Mr. P from the library snack area, but they didn’t have any. Actually they didn’t have much of anything. Everyone was standing around either looking lost or screaming “what the f*ck!!!”

I wonder where this intense celebrity infatuation is coming from, especially since I’m especially weary of penis holders now. Seriously. All this sociology stuff i’ve been reading seems to suggest that all males are out to dominate us poor helpless females…

And make us make them sandwiches.

I want to start writing again. I’ve dabbled a little, but those writings probably won’t be available to the public for fear of tarnishing my innocent reputation. I think perhaps I’ll just write short stories/scenarios of life as a single black female. Perhaps I’ll even call it that: “Single Black Female”.

I’ll marinate. it.

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