Thursday Thrashings


So I was attacked on the way back from class today.

Some dude came up on me trying to take my bag and I guess the logical thing to do would be to let him have it…however.

Like most Tech students, I’m going through some things in life. For this reason, Tech student’s should never be attacked because:

1. We are high strung about 99% of the time. Whether it’s because of a test, a project, or a lab, we are completely stressed out and are like ticking bombs ready to explode.

2. If you’re black, you’re extra irritated because you have to constantly prove that you deserve to be here.

3. If you’re a black female, you have to prove yourself even more.

The rest of these are just some personal reasons why one should never come up on me.

4. I the attacker is male, they should be extra weary. I’m not particularly keen on anything with a penis right now and am liable to castrate someone

5. Even though I haven’t been into Tae Kwon-Do in a while, that kind of natural talent never leaves. I wasn’t five state NTFA champion for nothing.

To make a long story short, the dude ended up with a broken, arm, leg, and damaged male appendage that I’m sure he won’t be using soon.

Okay so this isn’t actually a true story, but it’s one I think about during those long walks back from class. Honestly though, I really do feel like a ticking time bomb. I don’t want to wish anything bad on myself, but man if someone truly tried to come up on me now, they would get F’d up for real…

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