Thursday Musings


A couple of observations

So I was walking the other day…

A mother was pulling her daughter along towards the Turner buildings. From what I gathered from their conversation, the little girl was auditioning for the Cartoon Network. I could tell by the way the mother looked and how she had her daughter dressed that she was one of those “show business” mothers who live their lives through their children because the girl didn’t look too excited. She was incredibly adorable though…sad.

I think my African American history teacher is a bit prejudiced or something, maybe that’s not the right word, but she’s going through some things…

We were talking about why people from back in the day didn’t speak up about slave rights. The class was basically saying that most people wouldn’t go against the tide like that in fear of being ridiculed. She couldn’t accept that and told us a little story…

A black clerk was checking her out at the checkout stand at a grocery store. As she was working, her manager came up and asked her to work overtime without pay. My teacher thought that this was a racist action and that it was a form of slavery. AND not only did she think this, she actually stood up there and told him so!

The thing that makes me seem like she’s not quite right is that she said it wouldn’t have been slavery had the worker been white.


Yeah so crazy people everywhere…

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