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LMAO I love sitcoms.

Spent this weekend away from the computer and in front of the TV. Saturday Living Single was on all day on Oxygen followed by Monique’s FAT Chance.

I have to say, those women were beautiful! Especially the one that won. I can see a show like SNL making fun of it though. It was a little unrealistic with how everyone got along so well…

Sunday was all day America’s Top Model on VH1 Don’t laugh at me, the show is entertaining! I can’t quite grasp why, but yeah.

MAN, I’m so embarrassed for admitting that I like that show, so um, commercials! Yes commercials!

If you didn’t already know, I have an interest in commercials and print ads. Here are a few of ones recent ones that I like

1) JC Penny Back to School Ads

These are so trendy and fully of energy. I really like how they used those kid dancers from Missy Elliot’s videos because they’re recognizable. They represent new trends, new ideas, just youth in all its variety. I mean would you expect a 9 or 10 year old white kid to just randomly bust a move like those kids can? They can move better than people three times their age! If I were 9 or 10, I’d want to be able to dance just like them! Heck! I want to able to do that now!

2) Target School Ads

“I like backpacks and I cannot lie…”

Once again, it’s recognizable; the tune is a catchy one that everyone knows. LOL I can’t count how many times I started singing that commercial when I was doing something random.

3) Target print Ads

I’ve been following these for a while now…they’re so creative and original. It seemingly sells a product more than the store, but in the way that it sells the product just as much also sells the store. Let me explain:

If you’ve picked up a magazine lately, you might have seen the new Target pharmacy ads. The bottles have little rings on them that are different colors so that medicine is customized to each family member. It’s original, stylish, and convenient.

It’s the Target way, or at least what the store is trying to become…

4.) Dove Beauty products

When one thinks of a model, one pictures a toned skinny girl with a big chest, round booty, and small waist right? Think again. The average women doesn’t look like that and now there are models that do. It’s appealing to every woman. It works. Dove is selling makeup for everyday women. “Real Women Have Real Curves”

Okay well since I feel the need to launch into the psychology of advertising I’m going to stop now before I start boring people even more…

Have an excellent day!

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