They nasty


I’ve been scared into eating right.

All I had yesterday was a bagel with Honey Butter from Enstinen’s. It kept me pretty full for the most part as I don’t require that much to fuel me, but for the most part, I usually start to get hungry again around four or so…

I hadn’t eaten even then just because I was so busy being a role model to chirren for my job, and that wasn’t over until five. After making my way to the student center for my second tutoring job, I got a call that she wasn’t going to be able to make it. Other than the fact that I had to walk ALL THE WAY TO THE STUDENT CENTER. I DIDN’T EVEN TAKE THE STINGER! (I was hurt)…I was actually pretty glad because I was sleepy and feeling a little nauseated.

Upon arrival to the apartment, I smelled some nasty healthy food being cooked (vegetables). My stomach revolted. I went in my room, closed the door and opened a window.

(I don’t know how people can eat such nasty smelling stuff btw)

After sleeping until about 10, I was hoping the nausea would have gone away…

Wrong. WRONG. It got worse.

It was a long night.

Actually had a legitimate reason for missing class this time…

Oil and vinegar.
Windows and bricks.
Vegetable smells and KaNisa.
Do not mix.

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