They had said…



They were having free physic readings again so I partook in one. It was questionable because what she told me was everything I wanted to hear. Like to a T. It did align with some things I learned in that last free one I had by a different person, but still. I believe some physics are real, (like Sylvia Browne and even my mother has visions sometimes) but these other people? I don’t know man…

Anyway, here are the highlights of what she said:

I’m going to start getting job offers in Feburary. The one I take will be high paying.

I’m meeting my future husband for the first time in March. It will be a long term happy relationship that will result in marriage sometime in 2008.
(the other psychic said I would be married in 2008)

She knew I had two sisters.

I’m going to have three healthy kids. Two girls and a boy. (My poor vagina!)

She said I was talented in some kind of area of art and that I shouldn’t second guess myself about it.

I don’t know man….all that sounds to good to be true…

Ooops I mean…

Gee. All. That. Will. Definitely. Happen. Because. I. Deserve. It.

Wait…no…I mean…

I get to have sex someday…yaaay!

(This good-humored optimistim is too hard….)

NOTE: To anyone that calls/texts me in this next week. Remember, I live in the boonies so I probably won’t receive most of them until I get somewhere with a signal…


Gamerscore: One. Eight. Six. One. *Booty pop (of the non-passing gas persuasion)

Solved Kameo. I am now sad.

Luckily though, it let’s you re-explore everything so I plan to go back and make sure I take part in all the quests rather than just the ones that were necessary to finish the game.

Sonic, on the other hand, still sucks. I’ll play it until I go back to school and see if there are any updates to make it not suck as much but after that…Babbages/Gamestop/EB Games here I come!

SHAMELESS PLUG: For the uninformed, you can trade in old games for store credit or cash (20% less if you want cash) as long as your game is still in good condition. If you plan on trading a lot, be sure to get a game informer subscription so you can get 15% more on your trade in values! It helps both you and the person who sold it to you!

(Can’t you tell I used to work for them? MAN I want that job back…I could be up to my ears in free games…)

I’m such a nerd…lol


. . .

Aww “blank” it. I don’t have to start being confident and all that until January 1.

That is all.

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