They ain’t right! They ain’t!


They ain’t right! They ain’t!

I’ve been robbed.

I called myself trying to save money for a trip to the ATL by using the priceline negotiator thing. Retail value of the trip was 291 and I got it for $190, which is pretty good.

I wanted to leave Thursday after work, and return home Sunday night (for maximum spending of time with people), but unfortunately, due to not being able to pick your time, they have me leaving Atlanta on a 6 AM flight!

6 AM?!?!

F’in sucks man!

While it is a good price, I was robbed a day of quality time!

Lessoned learned…


Don’t ever waste your money on travel insurance. They try to make it seem like it makes your ticket refundable, but it’s really only refundable on pain of death, dismemberment, or terrorism (for real!)

Is it really a good deal? As for me and my house, I’d rather pay the extra 100 bucks to spend time with my peeps. It’s totally worth it.

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