The Wedding


Just got back from a cousin’s wedding in Destin, FL. She’s the daughter of my AKA cousin that died a while back.

The ceremony was absolutely beautiful. I was weary about going as I feel the same way about funerals as I do about weddings, especially now…the thought of weddings kind of make me throw up in my mouth a little….I don’t know why. I usually refuse to go to either life altering ceremonies voluntarily unless they’re mine, but I’d never been to Destin before (it’s overated by the way). I really only went for inspiration as she had the kind of wedding I’ve always wanted…a beach wedding.

I’ll just let the pictures speak for themselves (sorry about the quality, they’re actually just screencaps from a video camera.)

The reception was family members doing every form of electric slide-ish dance created. There was second lining, bus stopping, and stepping in the name of love-ing, all in the hour or so we were there. I was like


I think the only difference I would have is to have the reception on the beach as well (not that I’ll be AT the reception any longer than necessary… )I’m just saying…after all these years of abstinence. It’s going to be like, “you may salute your bride,” shove the cake in the groom’s mouth, and throw my bouquet at some random person while pulling him down the aisle to the honeymoon suite….

I’m just sayin…

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