The Nerve!

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They’re filming a movie in Tech Square today. Usually, I would stop to see what I could see, however, I couldn’t do so because I had recently been traumatized…

Today I was facially harassed by a semi-erect crotch.

I’ll let that marinate a bit



Okay so I was on my way to class this morning. As I am lazy and have paid my mandatory transportation fee, I decided to ride the Tech Trolley to the newer part of campus. It’s a convenience, the Tech Trolley, although a bit uncomfortable. It’s smaller than its Stinger Bus counterpart and the seating is lower than normal public transportation so an unfortunate seated passenger has a direct eye line to most crotches when the ride is crowded.

Now this morning, the Trolley was particularly busy. I was seated minding my own business when this male comes next to me and arranges his crotch near my left cheek. I tried to lean away and looked at the owner of the crotch wearily out of the corner of my eye, AND FOUND THAT HE WAS LOOKING DOWN MY SHIRT! I looked at him sharply then and he looked away.

Given the crowdedness of the aisle and the largeness of my seatmate, I couldn’t move around too much to escape the impending crotch. He swayed into me a few times, his crotch brushing my cheek in the process, but I only groaned inwardly and tilted away as much as I could.

The cheek rubbing was infrequent at first, so I really didn’t think much of it. However, I noticed that he stated to sway when the Trolley wasn’t even moving around much. And the part that came into contact with me or my shoulder got to be more and more firm with each contact. I started to notice that this casual movement was no longer casual!

Ole dude was humping me!

I sat in disbelief for a while, I mean, I WOULD like a male companion, but I’m not THAT DESPARATE. THEN he had the nerve enough to lean his whole length (and I DO mean length it was nasty!) against the side of my face! Even I had to curse at that point! I said, “OH HELL NO! COULD YOU KINDLY REMOVE YOUR PENIS FROM MY FACE?!?!”

I guess I was kind of loud. Just about the whole trolley turned to look at me.

He backed shuffled to the other side of the bus muttering a red faced, “sorry” on the way.

I think these nasty a people have lost their minds!

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1 Comment

  • August 24, 2006 at 8:53 pm

    Ickkkky. Horrible man.


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