The “Journey”


The Infamous Cycle

WARNING: The following entry frequently refers to the journey each woman embarks on between the ages of 7 and 15 or so. This said journey sometimes draws feelings of repulsion from males especially when referring to the following words “ovaries” “fallopian tubes” and “uterus” you have been warned.

I’ve always had issues with my “womanly journey.” Before I embarked on it, around the age of 11 or so, I’d always get these terrible stomach aches. We went to the gastroenterologist and found out I had an ulcer, but when the stomach aches continued, my mother just attributed to things trying to get started down there.

When things finally DID get started, boy, it didn’t really stop. I’d have three and four week long “journeys” and was left anemic and tired all the time. The remedy? The pill. Three and four weeks was reduced to about one.

The first pill I took was ortho-trycilin-lo. It was great. I was all excited because it supposedly helped out with your skin and I was anxious to prevent any potential breakouts. However, there was a side effect. Didn’t gain weight, didn’t have cramps (actually I never have cramps) but it did start the tradition of migraines.

If you’ve ever had one, you might agree that they are one of the worst types of headaches known to man. It differs from a regular headache in that instead of the blood vessels around the brain constricting, during a migraine, they actually get bigger and press against nerves. Taking Advil or Tylenol actually makes it worse because they are designed to open up constricted vessels.

So it was either be anemic from all the blood loss or suffer migraines…I took the migraines.

I always wondered though why every person taking “The Pill” takes about the same dosage. I mean would it make since for a 90 pound female to take the same amount of hormones as a 140 pound female? I know that it’s had a pretty profound affect on me as a person that doesn’t weigh much. Here’s how my month goes…

After just getting off “flood time” this is about the only time my libido is normal, and that’s probably just because I think it’s a bit nasty to engage in anything “relations” related around period time. Week two is hormone extravaganza. Things are out of control, really. I mean, insatiable…seriously. Technically it’s the time when I’m supposedly ovulating, but I thank God that I have some restraint because if I didn’t people could “get it” easy during this time…

For real…

Week three is the week of no sleep. Gearing up for that “special time,” it’s the week of migraines, insomnia, and still quite a high libido, but not as bad as Week Two.

The “special time” usually comes toward the end of week four. I always feel the uterus working (but not enough for cramps) and get extremely motherly for some reason. I’m a nurturing person naturally, (despite what my persona is on this journal) but I’m not trying to have kids for as long as possible and still healthy. During the “special time” though, I’ll look at babies wistfully and get all sentimental that women are incredible complex beings that are capable of producing life…and that every time we have the “special time” we’re putting out something that could have turned into another human being…

I always want to be alone though.

And I HATE males.

But for some reason, I also want to “do it.”

Which is very complex and confusing and quite nasty.

My point is though I wonder if my the libido would be constantly high and if I’d have the migraines and everything if I hadn’t started to take the pills…

I think I prefer the side effects though. And I KNOW my husband will appreciate them…

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