The Job Seach


So we’re getting down to the wire and I’m trying to do everything within my power to not go home after graduation..

I’m saying to myself, “Self, on August 4th when you graduate, you will be doing the running man across the stage because not only will you have graduated from one of the top ten public schools in the country, you will have a great job to show for it. Shoot, the only thing YOU’LL have to worry about is what you’ll be putting in your stylish new apartment!”

It’ll be like that ya’ll.

So I gotta handle my bidness in the meantime.

Here are the leads

TM.P World.wide Acc.ount Exe.cutive

Job Description:

Manage day to day client relationship to ensure customer satisfaction. Primary responsibilities include client needs assessment and recommendation of products and services, and ensuring the quality of the end product.


I had a phone interview with this company last Friday and they said I’d hear back within a week. Low and behold, I checked my email this afternoon to find a second interview request! Hallelujah! That would be grand if I could get that job. It would be a great option for Atlanta.

Bo.oz Al.llen

Now this company found my resume somehow. A recruiter emailed me and asked for a copy of my resume to “circulate your resume across several teams to see if we can generate some interest in your impressive background and qualifications.”

Wow! Okay! Sheeeit…I researched their company a bit and found out they’re one of the top consulting firms to work for according to Forbes. Plus, their entry level salaries look awfully nice…

I hope “we” can “generate some interest” indeed…

Bless his holy name!

Jesus be a job hunter…

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  • July 3, 2007 at 8:46 am

    Hi there. Your blog post came up on a Google Alert I have set up for “get that job”, the title of a blog you should check out. It’s got career advice, tools you can use, and more. I’m kinda using it to help with my own job search/career management, and others have said it’s helped them, too.

    Get That Job! –

    Good luck with your own job search, and feel free to keep in touch!

    – Daniel Johnson, Jr.

  • October 3, 2007 at 1:13 pm

    […] don’t know if you remember, but a few months ago I mentioned that someone from Bo.oz Al.len Hamil.ton contact me saying they were sending my resume around to a […]


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