The inevitable has happened…


It didn’t take long to happen, but it happened.

My car broke down.

It was actually kind of funny. I was sitting at a stoplight in the middle of Metro traffic and thought, “it would really be terrible if the car broke down right now…” Lo and behold, not two seconds later, the car was like “f*ck it” and cut itself off.

I turned on the emergency lights and tried to start it again, but to no avail. It didn’t even TRY to start. I tried turning off the radio, lights, heater, etc…and attempted to start it again…nothing.

By now the light had turned green and people were honking at me.

Oh yeah, and did I mention it was raining?

I got out of the car and propped up the hood so people could see I was having car troubles. They stopped honking, but instead threw a couple of middle fingers for delaying their commute to work by two minutes and having the audacity to drive a car more than 10 years old as they drove by in their Beamers and Acuras.

I shook my fist at them as I went to get my handy jumpstart system.

Unfortunately, that too didn’t work.

I called Father to complain, and he suggested that I try a couple of things…we eventually did get it started 15 minutes later after shifting the through the gears.

I have no idea why that would work, but it did.

As soon as I got to work. I went to My boss looked through cars with me and explained how to finance cars and the benefits/setbacks to leasing…

(It’s a slow Friday…everyone’s working from home today.)

I used to say that if I bought a car in the “have a well paying job and settled with financial situation” phase, it wouldn’t be anything less than an Acura TL, but I guess will have to sacrifice my Acura for a Civic after all…

But I had a plan, A PLAN!

It was:

Drive father’s 300 gift until it gives out or until I can do away with 25% of the value of an 06 or 07 fully loaded, manual transmission Acura TL ‘s down payment.

Buy the Acura TL.

Pay it off after a few years.

Upon reaching a pay scale of about 100-125K, start looking at 5 Series BMW’s.

After getting a substantial promotion, buy a 5 Series to celebrate.

Keep the Acura for errands and commuting to work, and use the BMW for everything else.

Unfortunately, now there will have to be another step in the quest to the BMW, but such is life…


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