The day that will never end…


This has been such a long day.

I thought it wouldn’t be bad since my first class was at 1:30, but man I was mistaken.

Woke up around 8, then 9, then 10, always afraid of oversleeping the alarm.

Got kind of dolled up for the NSBE meeting as it’s one of the last days to wear white.

Sat through the meeting…hoped there would be food, but alas…

Got some chick-fil-a from the food court and finished some homework.

Went to listen to people talk in the black people office (black student organization office).

Caught up on Katrina news.

Read emails from family members checking in and requesting provisions.

Went to class for 4+ hours…3 90 minute classes in a row. MURDER!

Went to a Society of Women in business social.

(I hate making small talk btw…)
What year are you?
What’s your major?
Do you have a boyfriend? Eerily I was the only one who didn’t
Where are you from?
What do your parents do?

Note: I was the only black person there, and the only one who wasn’t in a sorority.

It was like being in a country club full of people’s wives eating small sandwiches and talking about book clubs…

That took a lot of energy to maintain the “fake I’m really interested in what you have to say” smile…

But I did learn about Accenture and actually got a bit excited about it… and there was a TV nearby so more catching up on Katrina.

I can’t believe what’s going on down there. This is really scary…

Now it’s about 8 and I’m finally back in my room for the first time since 10 this morning. So that swim party is out of the picture. I’m just worn out…and then I know people should just go on living life, but it doesn’t seem right to be all celebratory and everything when such devestation is happening…

I think I’m just going to wash up, have a bowl of cereal, crawl in the bed., and passively watch tv until blissful sleep overtakes me…

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