The ‘citement!


Finally had my first training session for my job today.

I’m actually pretty excited!

I’m working for the Center for Education Integrating Science, Mathematics, and Computing at Tech. Basically it’s a community outreach program to train and encourage math and science in area schools.

My particular program mentors and tutors students from the Carver Schools here in Atlanta. I think it’s great opportunity to practice what I preach, you know how I always get about inner city public school systems and their apathetic students and parents. I’m sure it’ll be an awakening experience, but I hope that I’ll be able to make a difference in some small way.

In this program, I’m mentoring two high school girls. It’s especially cool because we get allowances to take them places and hang out with them and everything…I’m already planning to take mine to some jazz concerts at the Ferst Center.

The only thing I’m a little apprehensive about is being able to connect with them. I’m sure they’ll see me and think that I’m young or that they can get over on me because I’m so small or whatever…that and also that they’ll have some class work that I forgot how to do…It’s been what? Almost three years since high school?! I don’t remember that stuff, LOL. Hopefully it’ll all come back though.

The Carver school itself sounds really neat though. It’s a campus of five high schools that each focus on a different profession. There’s Early college, technology, health sciences and research, arts, and entrepreneurship. The students are also able to graduate with up to 60 hours of college credit. 60 HOURS! SOME OF THEM WILL BE PRACTICALLY JUNIORS WHEN THEY GET TO COLLEGE! Man…my high school only had three AP classes…private schools suck!

The students also have PAID internships as part of the curriculum (da hail, LOL?!?!) and summer institutes available during the summer. In addition to this, they have a program that they can enroll that prepares them for college and offers a $4,000 scholarship for college!

Looking at this school makes me want to go back!! And it’s public too?!

And you know what impresses me most about this school? The original Carver high school used to be one of the worst systems in Atlanta. Look what it is now.


Learn more about the New Schools of Carver (pdf)

P.S. Made this quiz. Random stuff about me. Take it. Don’t take it. Whateva.

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