The Aftermath…



Birthday was bittersweet.

Sweet because my family really came through for me. Showered me with gifts and flowers…even my Aunt called…

and people were nice with Facebook messages…

and my boss took me to lunch…

Bitter because work was really hectic with rude people bombarding me with graphic requests…I was so tired, as soon as I got home I fell asleep and woke up at almost 11

I had cereal for dinner since it was so late…


someone forgot…the most important person forgot. Called in the first place because of a reminder I asked my friend to give them…there was a 30 second phone call earlier today…I guess they were on their way somewhere and had to go. I tried to call back later…didn’t pick up. They didn’t call back.

I wish it didn’t bother me so much but it does…it really does.

I didn’t want a present or anything…just a little bit of their time…that’s all I wanted really…a phone call that was longer than 30 seconds…

Oh well…I guess their time is too precious…

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Gangsta Love Vol. 2


  • April 25, 2008 at 1:55 am

    Happy belated birthday!
    I’m glad you enjoyed it and sorry you were disappointed at the end of it. Hope everything is ok with.. them? And you?

  • April 25, 2008 at 1:07 pm

    Oh that’s okay. I can never stay mad at people so…


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