Sunday Servings

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Don’t you hate it when people take more that 20 items to those self checkout lines in the grocery store?

okay I’ve actually never seen that happen before, but I gather it would be annoying.

Grabbed some groceries the other day. How is it that when you go with the intention of getting just a few things, you end up getting more and spending close to 100 dollars? Given that my grocery budget for the month is that much, I suppose it could have been spent wiser as I am used to getting name brand stuff…and speaking of…


I was appalled as I passed up the generic version and bought it anyway.

Oh and I recommend these to everyone:

Nabisco 100 Calorie Packs

Don’t let the name fool you, they are delicious and nutritious. I especially recommend the Chips Ahoy variety.

So I’m thinking of changing my demeanor a little, especially around males. If you recall my entry a few months back, I said if given the option, I would change my public personality to be more scathing or more aloof. I’m thinking of going the more aloof route.

I’m sure some people will be like KaNisa, don’t limit the people who have access to you by being that way, you’ll miss out on so much. Honestly, I don’t really care. I’ve come to the realization that I don’t like people because they are selfish, manipulative, and uncaring in most respects. I think I’ve been too nice of a person so far in life and have let people get over on me in so many different ways. It’s time to flip the script…and this goes for females AND males. From now on, KaNisa don’t play that.

I will emphasize clarity of conscious by not participating in anything that remotely questions my values.

I will carry myself in a dignified manner that would make me seem arrogant to some or confident to those that know me.

I will be even more discerning about the people I chose to associate with because one’s friends are a mirror of who one is.

I will always put my best foot forward and lead by example in whatever I do.

All those things I’m sure can be done without being aloof or icy, but I just feel like being that way would be one method of discouraging people from messing with me.

I don’t know…

Maybe I’m just talking out the side of my mouth.

We’ll see.

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  • November 7, 2005 at 2:47 am
    Bullet Proof Diva

    I can’t lie, I have felt the same way at times. It could be a short-lived moment, feeling this way. I think we all go through those periods of time that compels you to change up what you have been doing because the “other way” just isn’t working.

    I think you should take a moment to really figure out why you want to make changes. Sometimes, the only thing needed is to be cautious with who you let into your world, and give worthwhile people a chance…you know what we were always thine own self be true.


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