Sunday Randomness


Had another dream of note though I can’t remember too much about it. I was on my honeymoon and it was night. I was gazing out the window at the ocean while I waited for my husband (an ageless, faceless, culturally ambiguous, male). When I heard his voice (which was generic), I turned around and the room turned into a giant hot tub. He was laid out on a floating bed beckoning to me with his eyes.

I went over to him ready to get it on for the first time and he said he had a surprise for me before we could get said getting. We waded out of the room to the hotel lobby and saw a bunch of people we knew, one of them being the distant cousin of my ageless, faceless, culturally ambiguous husband. (After a while, although my husband was ageless, faceless, and culturally ambiguous, through context clues I began to figure out who he was in real life). We rubbed it in his face that our relationship worked out and felt somewhat gratified. Then Husband led me outside by some people holding gifts for us (which were DVD editions of our favorite TV shows) and by a chorus singing said TV shows’ theme songs to the sidewalk across the street. I understood that what I was about to see would be his gift to me.

The gift turned out to be a parade of my favorite things. There were things form color guards and people dressed like my favorite computer games’ characters to a “broadway/Macy’s parade” type presentation of Moonwalker (the Speed Demon part with the bunny). I was so excited and felt so appreciative of this parade he worked so hard to organize, I wanted to back to the hotel room and have hot relations (lol) all night, but he kept me sated in his own way until the parade was over(which shall not be described here as it is a Sunday and I must retain my good girl persona.)

It was an interesting and very stimulating dream.

In other news…

Went to chuuuch today.

My mother’s church is the stereotypical black church people always hear about. In fact, I don’t really like anything about it but the actual sermon. I’m a terrible person, but I just had to write down and share some of the things I observed this morning/afternoon:

They had the most country and inarticulate person leading the devotional prayer. He started out strong, but after a while between the “mmmMMMMMMMMM”’s of the congregation all you can hear were fluctuations in his voice. I wanted to say, “can’t nobody hear you! With your country…”

During pauses, just as I opened an eye to see if he was done, he always went on with some new incomprehensible thing. I also noticed that people were lifting their heads and looking around every once in a while just to make sure we were still supposed to be praying.

After about five minutes or so, I took the opportunity to see if my phone was off. Looking around before I ducked for my purse, I noticed that people were just sitting around chillin…eyes all open, having conversations even…doing everything BUT praying.

It was an MMPH, Mmph, mmph moment.

Halfway through the service I received my MLK fan and a few minutes later, the organist finally made it in and flubbed her way through the offertory song (which by the way the choir didn’t know.) They were flipping through hymnals and looking at each other in despair to the amusement of the congregation.

And speaking of offering, people who ask for change ought to be shamed. Especially when they give a dollar. Someone was like, “give me 75 cents back.”

MMPH, Mmph, mmph.

Judge not lest ye be judged I know, but for real guys? For true?!

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