Subject to Change…



I got notice of some bugs in this layout. I ran a couple of tests on and it looks like it doesn’t quite work out in the following browsers and platforms:

Windows 2000 Professional
IE 5.5 ***
IE 6.0 **
AOL 9.0 **

Windows XP
IE 6.0 & (AOL 9.0) **
IE 7.0 *

Windows Vista
IE 7.0 *

Or just generally, IE (LOL…sigh)

Edited to add:
* These should look as intended now
** These have transparency issues I’m still working on. (IE 6.0 doesn’t like transparent .png’s)
***This is still all wrong

If you’re looking at this site in any of the aforementioned browsers and thangs, could you leave a comment about whether or not it looks correct? As for me and my SP1 Windows 6.0 on the computer I don’t use, it looks janked. But it looks fine in Firefox (as evidenced by the screenshot). On my laptop, it looks fine in firefox also, but I haven’t checked IE since I uninstalled it due to it being the devil…

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Work it!


  • January 24, 2008 at 12:32 am

    The blog is below the would be side bar. I’m in Vista IE 7.

  • January 24, 2008 at 1:16 am

    Okay thanks!!!

    Tweaked it a bit and tested it in the previously mentioned culprits:

    Now it seems to work in all the IE and AOL versions except Windows 2000 Professional and IE 5.5.

    BOOO Microsoft!

    There didn’t seem to be a problem in the Mac or Linux screenshots…

  • January 24, 2008 at 9:09 am

    The site is looking fine in my browser. I have a question about website design though. Hit me up on my e-mail:


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