State of the Black Union

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Watching the State of the Black Union….

First I have to explain though where I am in the political/social spectrum of things.

huey.gifFor me, when it comes to politics or social beliefs, I’m a leftist nationalist leaning type person. I’m for segregation in education, businesses, neighborhoods, etc. mostly because I feel that as Black people, we can be so much more productive if we can control our own institutions. It’s evidenced throughout history that left to our own devices, we can be completely successful in every way. Dating as far back as Egyptian dynasties all the way up to the successful communities of Harlem, the Shaw district, and other thriving Black communities of the late 19th and early 20th century. Of course…since most have us have been programmed to assimilate, such communities are unlikely to happen, except in my perfect world…

. . .

*Waits for the backlash…(LOL)

That being said, here are my comments as I watch the State of the Black Union

Al Sharpton is setting up Hillary for a fire shooting right now, talking about the superdelagate situation and how Hillary NEEDS to be there to justify her relevance to Black people. I wish he would sit down somewhere…

Tavis, his partner in crime, is taking passive jabs at the Obama…

Cornell West is trill. I totally agree that there is no such thing as being colorblind. If you try to say people of all races are the same, you erase their culture and what makes them unique and special. I thank God everyday I’m Black…

The comment by a woman that “Kenya is a democratic process run amok…”

When it comes to the issues in Africa…or really even US foreign policy, I’m in the camp that says, you can’t impose a system on a culture that isn’t based on that system. That’s like trying to grow a potato in some wet cement. It can’t thrive there. In fact, it’s stifled and will eventually die.

Dick Gregory…you say that! SAY THAT!

Talking about how these days Black people really haven’t gotten that far, we’ve just put on new suits over old problems. People have solved symptoms, but not the underlying problems and until THOSE problems are solved, it’ll be just like putting clean clothes on a dirty body…ya still stink!

Talking about if yt can understand what it’s like… if you’re Black, have 12 doctorate degrees, are all kinds of success and “accomplishments”… if the police are behind you with their lights on, you still get nervous.

Talking about how yt will put “sleeping pills in his water” and then call him lazy…

Talking about Black women:

“You know when I learned about the power of the Black woman? During the Kobe Bryant situation. He was accused of raping a white woman. And when he gave his wife that $4 million ring? I knew the Black woman was powerful. Because if I was accused of raping a white woman, and I gave my wife a $4 million ring…? She would have gone out and gotten two more white women … because she would have had the good sense to know that wherever that $4 million ring came from, there’s a necklace and a bracelet to go with it.”

Talking about how Condelezza Rice has more degrees than everyone in the presidential cabinet, but people still call her Condi.

As soon as I find that clip you better believe it will be posted with a quickness.

Al Sharpton is so annoying….for real…

Let’s see what Hillary has to say…she’s next.

Here’s the last part of Mr. Gregory’s speech:

Here’s a link to the whole Forum. Dick Gregory’s part starts at about 3:02:00.

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1 Comment

  • July 21, 2009 at 3:02 pm

    […] You might (or might not) remember my reaction to The State of the Black Union. […]


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