Sorry Guys…


Sorry you had to witness that last entry everyone. Reading back over it, it seems a bit harsh, but it is justified nonetheless…I was sooo angry with so many people…especially that one in particular….but anyway it’s over and done with so moving RIGHT along…

Nothing much is going on around Tech town. The routine has been study (or pretend to at least), eat finals food, sleep, wake up, repeat. There’s supposedly a break in the routine tomorrow with a special outing, but I’m not reading into it too much as per my customary approach to not taking males seriously. There’s a wall there, I promise you. I’m sure it’ll be fun though.

In other news…

Wow I really don’t have anything to say. Just wanted to write something so people knew I’m back to a controlled state of mind…

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We are family, I got all my sisters with me
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What the FUCK


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