Somewhere out there


Greetings from the boondocks of Georgia, also known as Hampton.

Just a warning, there is no spell checker on this WINDOWS 98 (alarming!) computer so you’ll have to bear with me as I am a terrible speller…

So this retreat hasn’t been to bad. I’ve learned a lot such as how to legally throw a party with alcohol, how to use Georiga Tech logos on print material, and the consequnces of hazing…o_O

I will leave a more informed indiviual.

The only things I have to complain about are:

1. Food
2. Snoring roomates

1. Food

TERRIBLE! For lunch yesterday they tried to make fajitas. It was some kind of wierd combination of vegetables and beef which yielded something that tasted a bit like throw up (sorry if that was to graphic for you, but that was how it tasted, I’m serious.)

After that I skipped dinner and feasted on the candy located outside our meeting room.

Breakfast this morning was passable though. Can’t go too wrong with grits.

2. Snoring Roomate

I think that during some point of thier lives, everyone snores. They must, because otherwise, I won’t keep getting put with snoring people. She had an intersting style though. It was like regular snore…moan. I don’t know what she was dreaming about, but it must have been good.

In between her and the loud student leaders and their sprited game of Clue, not much sleep was had last night. I spent my little free time contemplating the importance of Dr. Pepper in my life…

I suppose I should go now. People are returning from breakfast.

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