

So bad about blogging…swamped in real life! Work has been pretty bad lately…

It is so real that introverts need to be alone to regenerate. Had to work last weekend and I feel really wound up.

Cancelled pretty much all my plans for the weekend. Planning on getting food and holing up at home.

No people allowed!

It’s for your own safety!

My tact o meter has been depleted!

Tomorrow will be an interesting day…maybe I’ll make it a half day..

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  • May 25, 2012 at 10:09 am

    Well, you once expressed interest in doing a PhD in virology, so let this be a lesson in what could be . . .

    I think you will make the necessary adjustments to find more personal time when you have had a little longer to become acclimated. But please do be wary of Parkinson’s law (work expands to fill the time available).

    • May 25, 2012 at 3:32 pm

      Ah haa…I think I would work even more if I had the chance to study things that could save lives. Now my work just centers on making people’s lives easier…


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