Single Until Proven Married


Okay well this entry has nothing to do with the title, but I thought it was thought provoking.

I’ve been hit with the itis today! I suppose it’s because I was talking about Becky and Matt so bad the other day, but man, that needed to be said!

I thought I would take a break from this mini-flu and try sitting up for a while to think something out…

So there’s a super bowl party this weekend.

I both want to go and don’t want to go.

I want to go…

Because I’ve never been to a super bowl party before.
It could add college/young adult experience points.
I always complain about how people don’t honor phirst pham traditions
I can meet new people.

I don’t want to go…

Because I won’t know anyone there.
I feel uncomfortable in places where EVERYONE knows each other and I’m the random person nobody knows
I probably won’t feel like going after being at a conference for almost 10 hours
It’s a reminder that such events are things I will have to go to if I am not in a serious relationship this time next year

I mean, it’s nice when adults get together for a good time and all, but isn’t also a bit sad? That all those people are unmarried with no prospects when 30 years ago, in the same age range, most of them would probably be married with three kids?

Whenever I go to such events, I’m reminded about the proportion of black people who are unmarried/divorced (about 65%) and that’s kind of scary. I suppose marriage is not every one’s goal in life, but it’s certainly mine. . .

Conversely though, I can’t meet the future husband by holing up in the room and waiting form them to magically appear…

Alright this is too tiring…I’m going back to bed. I leave you this (Contains language that is not safe for work)

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Girls are Not to be Trusted


  • February 1, 2007 at 11:19 am

    Wow. That mess was hilarious…I can see a filmmaker friend of mine doing something like that…wow.

  • February 1, 2007 at 12:43 pm

    LOL! I was like…FOR SHAME…”It couldn’t have been your room because that room didn’t smell like Todd f***.” LOL

    And that Kevin character is kind of cute too…


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