Shocking News…(to me anyway)


A shocking day for the following reasons:

1. Grades came back today. I got a 3.0 for the semester.
a. Shocking because that’s my second best semester since I’ve been at Tech and I DEFINTELY wasn’t focused given that I was earning that pink and green.
b. That sounds impressive doesn’t it? A 3.0 at Georgia Tech is no small feat….don’t ask what the specific grades per class though or you may not be as impressed…

2. I told daddy what the overall semester GPA was and he said and I quote, “Congratulations!”
a. that is the first time he has EVER congratulated me about my grades in my ENTIRE life.
b. He didn’t ask what the specific grades were

Now I have to work extra hard so I can represent Nu Beta well next year as chapter president. It wouldn’t be right if I was the face of the chapter and my grades weren’t as great as they could be…

In other news…

Not much is going on. We’re heading down to Florida to spend Christmas with my sister tomorrow. We’re supposed to be going to a spa on Christmas Eve which is PERFECT TIMING since my body (specifically my reproductive system) is cooperating with such an opportunity…


My mother asked me why I act so moody lately. I really think I’m just moodier in general. Actually, it depends on who I’m around. If I’m around Sorors, then I’m nurturing and sweet, but if I’m around others I’m cynical and laid back. I don’t really know why, I guess I’m just learning not to be as uptight…and also I’m learning not to care as much what people think.

It’s like, I can only be me, you know?

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