Work today was soooo looong…

It wasn’t that we weren’t busy, quite the contrary, we didn’t have a spare moment. Games were flying off the shelves! Systems were flying out of closest! My expertise in video game trivia was constantly being tried…

However, today was long because….

My co-worker STANK-ed!

I mean, I was like why do you smell like musty armpit! I tried to covertly waft deodorant toward her when she walked by but it didn’t work. I know it’s hot, shoot, even I carry around extra toiletries just in case, but there is no excuse to smell like ASS-phalt.

And then she had the nerve to spray herself with some bath and body works stuff! That don’t cover funk sugar…

Good gracious!

In other news…

I’m going to do a test next week. I don’t have to work next weekend, thank goodness, so I thought it would be fun to sit and observe people at the mall for a while. I think I’ll take a notebook for note taking and dress flatteringly (is that a word?!) for ego boosting opportunities. (That’s not the reason for doing such a test, I really do think the people of Southwest Georgia could be humorously documented and organized in groups.)

That’s for next week though.

My parents came by to visit my job. They were double dating with the neighbors next door. “Father” and the male next door are lovers. (Not really, they just hang out a lot with their car fixing, yard working, and motorcycles…)


The females (my mother and neighbor’s wife) also hang out, but not as much as the males. I had to chauffer them home as they were tired from shopping. I swear, the conversation was so dull and just I don’t know what.

Mother:“I did laundry today. I just have to put it up…”
Female Neighbor: “Mmm hmm.”
Mother: “Where was that barbecue from?”
Female Neighbor: “Parker’s in Sylvester. They have good sandwiches too.”
Mother: “Oh really?”
Female Neighbor: “Mmm Hmm.”
(more silence)

Female Neighbor talks about her husband’s sister visiting. She complains that they stay up all night playing dominos.

Female Neighbor: I don’t really know how to play myself.
Mother: Neither do I. I can’t play cards either. You know how they shuffle and everything? I can’t do that.
Female Neighbor: Mmm Hmm…
(even more silence)

30 minutes worth…oh excuse me TEN minutes worth of conversation of no substance (it most mostly silence). It reminded me of pictures of old ladies sitting and drinking tea in their sitting rooms while their husbands are doing something masculine. (“Father” and his lover were speeding ahead of us, weaving in and out of traffic.) I had to keep myself from driving off the road to spare us all.

Glad to be home though. Free of stench, sad parents, and ready to make it a night of junk food and a nostalgic series I’m a bit embarrassed to admit I like…

…well whateva I liked it! Bu.ffy the Va.mpire was a good show…despite it’s corniness…and so was An.gel.

And Da.vid Bore.anaz is a good looking male of the Caucasian Persuasion.

So I’m not embarrassed. Not in the least bit…

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