Run Around


It’s a really pretty day today, the first time the sun has been out all week.

Yesterday was yet another long day. First class at 9:30, marketing research at 11, marketing class at noon (which I actually didn’t mind, there were cookies involved), 30 minutes of errands around campus, commute to Kennesaw so a friend could look for a dress ( for Onyx Ball tonite) I didn’t spend a dime except on food btw, I should be praised)., went to the nail parlor (that foot message was out of control! Talented hands! Emotions! Almost…), trip to get my new favorite, snack, Edamame (also orgasmic! And the only vegetable/bean that I will eat, willingly). Trip to the grocery store and finally a meeting in Marietta. So tired after all that… I just fell asleep. Didn’t make it to my first class today, but it was worth it when I came back refreshed this morning since I spent the afternoon doing things that I wanted to do for the first time in I don’t know how long.

I’m still tired though…

Today will be a long day as well, but I’m allotting time for at least three hours of sleep…that required ball, the required after party, community service tomorrow morning AND another party tomorrow night?!?! F THAT!

I Be on it all night and I be on it all day. Straight up, if you want me you can find me in the BED!

P.S. Whether it was out of line or not, thanks for the encouragement, stranger.

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Onyx Ball


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