I got my African Ancestry results back!

I am Nigerian!


Specifically I share DNA ancestry with the Yourba and Hausa peoples. Of course those are two very large tribes, but it’s nice to finally know that I’m not from Michigan…I’m not “African American” (Africa is a continent, not a country) I am Nigerian and Chickasaw.

Check out to see about finding out where you’re from!

(If you decide to get it, I can hook you up with a discount through AKA. Shout me a holler.)

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  • December 19, 2007 at 7:21 pm

    Cool! What’s the title of the Nikki Giovanni poem?

  • December 19, 2007 at 9:44 pm

    Revolutionary Dreams

  • December 20, 2007 at 11:11 pm

    Just to play the devil’s advocate for a moment (I know that statement is the influence of another in your life)
    ” I’m not African American (Africa is a continent, not a country)” America is actually two continents so there’s no discrepancy there.

    African American would then represent anyone of African descent (you, a descendant of the Yoruba & Hausa people) who was born in the Americas.

  • December 21, 2007 at 12:05 am

    Interesting argument, it’s a bit more complicated than that though. By your logic, it should be the same for Canadians and Mexicans. Do they call themselves Canadian Americans and Mexican Americans when they live in Canada and Mexico?

    When I say “Africa is a continent and not a country” I was referring to how it doesn’t make sense that most other “races” are defined by their countries and not by entire continents. For example, it seems strange to consider a Russian person an Asian American, but by the same logic that people call themselves “African American”, that’s also what they should do as Russia is on the continent of Asia.

    Also, I can’t say I’m “African American” just because my ancestry is not just African, but also Chickasaw. It would be insulting to completely ignore those ancestors.

    If I HAVE to be classified, I just call myself Black, then African/Native American, then Nigerian/Chickasaw.

    Even before our race emigrated from the Nile River Valley and split up into all the countries of Africa, “Black” is what we called ourselves, and that’s what I prefer to call myself now.

    I personally think that if people insist on “American” being part of their “racial name” “Black American” would be the most historically accurate term to classify most Black people in America just because most of the members of the African Diaspora had racial mixture at some point even within the “African” race…I doubt that many people whose ancestors were displaced during slave times are 100% African (evolutionary evidence aside).

    This is turning into a blog…lol.

    Perfect topic for the new journal though. Thanks for the inspiration! :)


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