

CSS is not the devil… CSS is not the devil

I just had a very lengthy reminder of why I am no longer a Computer Science major…


See what had me wanting to through my computer out the window.

LOL! And to think I was a little disappointed in how it turned out…

In other news…

The following commentary is somewhat contradictory of the current theme, but something has just been igging me lately.

What’s with all the emphasis about love and relationships? I mean really. Every time you turn on the radio or pick up a magazine, it’s all bout how to have successful ones. I know we all need help with such matters, but do people ever get tired of hearing about it? There are other aspects to life, right?

It’s like no one has anything else to talk about…

People like to think that the other sex is a mystery, but I really don’t think that’s the case.

Wonder why women are attracted to a certain type of male?

Wanna know why males like booty and breasts?

You want to know why women are so preoccupied with how much money a dude has?

It all boils down to science.

I promise.

I would go through and explain why males like to put their peni in as many women as possible (not meaning they have more than one…but you know…collectively) but I’m lazy and it would take forever so I shall point you to the following websites:

Strictly Sex With Dr. Drew

The Science of Sex

The Science of Sexual Fantasies

Read and be informed!

That is all

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Annoyances of the Moment


  • January 5, 2007 at 10:50 am


    Found you through the Brutha Code. Love your blog layout. Looking forward to checking out your blog. Happy new Year!

  • January 7, 2007 at 5:43 pm

    Thanks Soror!


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