Restless Observations & Revelations



I think I might take this afternoon and thoroughly clean my apartment and do some…I don’t want to say pampering as that sounds lame, but that’s essentially it. Need to wash hair and drink about a gallon of water to rejuvenate my skin.

New sneakers promote laziness
I admit I’ve been slacking lately with the way I’ve been looking. Blame the sneakers. The phase usually lasts for about a week after purchasing new ones until I can no longer stand hammishness. (I get a new pair of sneakers maybe once every two years…so I clearly don’t wear those or really any casual shoes too much.)

Mentee Questions Music Artist’s Character

Did an activity with the mentee today. We looked though some magazines and picked out lifestyles one might like to live and what it would take to fund them. While flipping through a Vanity Fair supplement, we came across a picture of Mr. Stephens. Immediately, she said, “ooo, I don’t like him!” I gasped, clutched my pearls, (figuratively) and asked why. She seems to think he’s a player as many of his songs are about cheating and such. I’ve said as much myself, but let’s explore his first mainstream album Get Lifted.

1. Prelude – pass
2. Let’s Get Lifted – pass
3. Used To Love U – pass
4. Alright – Drunk in a club trying to “holler” at a female that has a man
5. She Don’t Have To Know – Sneaking around with another chick while in a relationship
6. Number One – (with Kanye West) – Pleading with a chick to stay although his penis isn’t responsible
7. I Can Change – (with Snoop Dogg) – Saying he can change from his philandering ways for some chick
8. Ordinary People – pass
9. Stay With You – pass
10. Let’s Get Lifted Again – pass
11. So High – pass
12. Refuge (When It’s Cold Outside) – pass
13. It Don’t Have To Change – (with The Stephens Family) – pass
14. Live It Up – (with Miri Ben-Ari) – pass

Alright well that’s only 4/14….maybe 28%?

Still though they are still suspiciously relatable and specific in lyric.

…whatever he could still get it.

Inclination towards hermit-ness takes its rightful place.

I’m no good at dating/initiating dates. I was all trying to be more out and everything, but I think I should just be happy with who I am and what I am instead of trying to be something I’m not. Not everyone is all social and I’ve accepted that I’m not that way myself. For the future, I will just stick to the company of my ever present dependable computer, LOL…it satisfies me in a way I never dreamed…lol


Alright well let me get back to work…

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