Ready, Set, Consume!


Sunday night…

I think I’ve had too much sugar today…a side effect of the most wonderful time of the month.
(I’m sure you wanted to know that, lol)

But I feel like I’m just on a whole ‘nother level today. I have all this energy and confidence that isn’t usually there…I don’t even like Skittles that much, but I had a taste for something sweet and those along with those wonderful Munch bars are all that I can afford from the vending machines (got to stay loyal to the family business). I guess I should go get some cash, but I’m trying not to have any around because then I’d be tempted to spend it….

This weekend has been spent catching up on reading. That’s the thing about these liberal arts classes…they expect you to read entire books in a weekend. Normally I wouldn’t have a problem with that, but I currently have three books, one of which is around 500 pages, to read before Wednesday.

I had to take a break so here I am writing. I know sleep will not come easy tonight because all I’ve been doing is laying around reading or memorizing things….

Commercial break…

Can I just say, “Yessssss! Finally! Thank you!”

*does the running man*

A weight has been lifted from my mind like you wouldn’t believe…

End commercial break


I signed up for a five hour shift of hurricane related volunteer work tomorrow. I signed up for yesterday too, but I guess they’re only letting people serve one shift. Heard some horror stories from some other volunteers, but I guess if you’re someone who keeps getting moved from shelter to shelter without knowing what’s really going on, you’d be disagreeable too…

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