

Just going to free write for a little while.

What would you do if you won the lottery? Would you keep working? Would you quit?

For me it depends on how much I win. I wouldn’t quit if it was less than 50 million after taxes.

I still want to make a difference, and right now, my big thing is making software that people HAVE to use as part of their jobs easier to use and eventually replace people because that’s happening anyway, sorry.

Also I don’t mind working with the federa.l goven.ment…much like working with churches, I want to at least influence them not to waste all those taxes we all have to pay….

So yeah I’d keep my current job and train up my people to do our work efficiently while making the max impact on the users.

I did once say I wanted to go back to school, but even with the cushion of millions of dollars, I’d feel weird about not working, even if it was to get an education.

I’ve also worked with several people with advanced degrees in my line of work…it’s always true that advanced degrees don’t mean too much as the optimal situations education is built around is rarely reality once you’re in the workplace, but it would be nice that people forget that I’d gotten my wealth through the lottery…

I’d be KaNisa [Insert last name here], PhD Human Computer Interaction, specialist in automating mundane tasks to improve people’s standards of living (what I do lightweight now…though mostly targeted to people’s careers).

Pretty sure I couldn’t keep my current job with that, but maybe working for Porchse or something…stealing ideas from Elon and nem, ha. They have some cool technology for sure, but combine that with some better AI…golden.

Saw Motown the Musical Friday night.

This year I’ve been getting single tickets to stuff instead of getting 2 and selling the extra one due to not getting a date to go with.

Got cute and took myself. See :

Taking myself on a date to see Motown the Musical!

A photo posted by KaNisa (@kanisaslyfe) on

I like how the smile didn’t quite reach my eyes. It’s easier to get good seats when you’re only getting one tho :

The show was pretty good. Not like the best ever Broadway wise, but good enough to show the importance of Motow.n. You should definitely check it out when it comes to your city!

We’d gotten my parents tickets for their anniversary, but Dr. Sister forgot and invited my dad to see Nephew Neo around the same time the tickets were for. I have to sadly go twice.

(And my sadly, I mean I am totally not complaining.)

The gravity of the history of Mo.town got “up in my spirit” several times and i had a wipe away a tear or two.

Good stuff.

But yeah…otherwise nothing going on.

Work is work.

Anti-dude is anti-dude.

Car is siphoning money out of my bank account.

And the band plays on…


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