Random Stuff


I don’t really have anything to say…

It’s a new week…new month really. It’s August.

Last of the pointless months of summer.

(Not being special. September starts Autumn… THE MOST WONDERFUL TIME OF THE YEAR that’s also usually somewhat disappointing due to high expectations).

Don’t really have anything planned for this month. Family taking over the house as usual as stopovers during their travels.

I like how they didn’t even ask first…like…okay then.

DragonCon end of the month. I didn’t commission any cosplay this year, but did pick up a dress that can be used for Missandei from Game of Thrones :

Also taking off a Friday between family visits to recover from family visits. Last round resulted in serious tiredness that took forever to recover from.

Work geek squad went to visit our co-worker who recently had a baby. We ate pizza and played Cards Against Humanity.

It was interesting that though this is my main group I socialize with ALL THE TIME, I wasn’t really feeling it yesterday.

I was really quiet.

Kept wanting to go home…though I swear I am usually very engaged and talkative with them.

I don’t know why it was different this time…maybe it was sensory overload from the week.

I slept for about 20 hours between yesterday and today.


I’m just going to post pictures now. Words.

What are you?

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Lightbulb Moment!


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