Random (Late) Mid-week musings


The only thing I hate more than unpacking is packing. Thus I shall write a journal entry instead of doing so even though we’re leaving in the next hour or so…

As per custom, cousins have been calling to request presentation materials for the reunion (of the family persuasion which I should be packing for now). My mother didn’t want to take the originals so I made a DVD of a family reunion video circa July 1985. It was interesting to see. Everyone was all, “smile, you’re on candied camera.”

Went to get my naps taken care of this morning. Progress is being made. I should have my regular length by the time school starts again.

It’s kind of funny to ride behind people riding in the back of pickup trucks. They try their best not to look at you, but it’s pretty inevitable. When their car finally turned off the road, dude waved.

Had to collect po Akanie from a not so near neighbor. She’d run off a few days ago after my father let her loose while he was cutting the grass. The po do is so blind, she can’t even find her water bowl. It was a bit embarrassing when I went to get her. The people were all, “she can’t see very well can she?” I bet they were ready to call the pet protection agency on me. It really isn’t my fault. I took her to the vet to get medicine and my parents didn’t give it to her while I was at college. By the time I got home, my po dog was one eyed.

But yeah family reunion this weekend. It’s always nice to see the extended fam. I’m the youngest of the second generation (my grandparents are deceased, so my parents are bumped up to first). The oldest is around 45 and she’ll be the first female of my generation to be married. (Amazing isn’t it? The females of my family have a reputation around Baton Rouge/New Orleans for being beautiful but a handful. I don’t think I’m like that though. My sisters are WAY more demanding, stubborn, and bossy than me.) My cousin is really pretty though…makes me jealous sometimes…but she really needs to stop volunteering people for stuff…grumble grumble…

Anyway, let me throw some things in a suitcase before they leave me…

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